Enhanced Community Engagement in Conservation Planning Workshop

Enhanced Community Engagement in Conservation Planning Workshop

Integrate critical principles into your conservation work.

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Our Enhanced Community Engagement in Conservation Planning Workshop is a transformative session designed to equip organizations with the knowledge and tools needed to integrated advanced or enhanced community engagement principles into their conservation planning processes.

With Lacy Consulting Services (LCS)'s expertise in applied environmental social science and community engagement frameworks, this workshop offers a unique opportunity to elevate your organization's commitment to inclusive conservation practices. Contact us today to get started!

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What You Will Learn

During this workshop, participants will delve into the core concepts of enhanced community engagement and learn how to effectively apply these principles to conservation planning. Our consultants draw from years of experience in working with communities and partners to create a dynamic learning environment focused on building trust, fostering empowerment, and driving meaningful change within conservation practices. We incorporate information and lessons learned from our work and tailor them to your organization’s unique needs.

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Sustaining Momentum in Engaging Communities

The Trust Ecology framework explores trust from a behavioral perspective, acknowledging that trust is not solely reliant on human perception and attitudes. It identifies four different forms of trust: Dispositional Trust, Rational Trust, Affinitive Trust, and Systems-Based Trust. These dimensions of trust provide a comprehensive understanding of the trust dynamics within your organization and with the communities you interact with.

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Importance of Community Engagement Principals

Embracing enhanced community engagement principles in conservation planning is essential for creating sustainable and impactful outcomes. By prioritizing community engagement in conservation initiatives, organizations can effectively address systemic inequalities, amplify diverse voices, and foster an environment of respect and understanding within the conservation community.

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Reshape the Landscape of Conservation Practices

Join us for a hands-on and interactive experience that will leave your team inspired, informed, and equipped to embrace community engagement principles in your conservation planning journey. Together, we can reshape the landscape of conservation practices and create a more just, equitable, diverse, and inclusive environment for all.

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Partner with Lacy Consulting Services

Contact one of our DEI consultants today to book the Enhanced Community Engagement in Conservation Planning Workshop and embark on a transformative journey towards informed and inclusive conservation efforts!

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Let's Get Started Today!